Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation. Yoga Nidra translates to yogic sleep. This deep relaxation method is a form of meditation that promotes a withdrawal from the senses, a turn to the internal. The benefits of guided meditation have been extensively studied, but Yoga Nidra seems to offer added benefits.


Yoga is not an active physical practice. Instead, it is usually done laying down or seated in a comfortable position. Anyone can use Yoga Nidra, from children to the elderly.

There Is No Right Way

Yoga Nidra cannot be done “wrong.” As you relax and turn inward, you may see vivid images with your inner eye or see nothing at all. You may remember your entire experience or only parts of the journey. You may find yourself falling asleep completely. All of those are perfectly valid ways of experiencing Yoga Nidra.

Easy To Incorporate

Yoga Nidra guided meditations can be found online thanks to sites like YouTube, Spotify, and other streaming services. This means you can practice Yoga Nidra at any time, anywhere (within reason, please don’t listen to guided meditations while operating heavy machinery). Yoga Nidra can be a great way to start your day before you even crawl out of bed or at the end of the day while you wind down for sleep. Some videos only take five minutes or can last an hour or more.

Better Sleep

Deep relaxation and meditation can stimulate the production of melatonin in the pineal gland. Melatonin is the hormone responsible for sleep. Melatonin is also a potent antioxidant that can support immune function and cortisol levels.

Yoga Nidra offers many mental, physical and emotional wellness benefits. You don’t need to be a seasoned yogi to reap those benefits, and you don’t need to join a yoga studio to experience these powerful guided meditations.

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