Why You Should Try A Cardio Kickboxing Class

Fitness classes can help kickstart a new fitness journey with structure and guidance. Kickboxing is a class that combines martial arts and cardio. The classes are energetic, fast-paced, and challenging. Here are some incredible benefits to cardio kickboxing!


Despite the name, cardio kickboxing is a non-contact workout that consists of throwing punches and kicks into the air or pads held by partners.

Cardiovascular Conditioning

The pace of cardio kickboxing is high-intensity, and the aim is to get your heart rate elevated enough that cardiovascular conditioning can happen. Cardiovascular conditioning is not just great for heart health; it can help you lose weight and belly fat, lowering your risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Burning Calories

Cardio kickboxing can burn 350-450 calories per hour. Though other workouts can burn more calories per hour, the cardiovascular benefits and lean muscle toning can balance it out well.

Boredom Busting

If you’re sick of the stair-stepper and spin bikes, then kickboxing is for you. Classes are kept fresh, with new workouts introduced often enough to ensure that you are engaged and stimulated every time.


You don’t need any background in martial arts or kickboxing to take a cardio kickboxing class. Beginner classes are easily found, and the workouts, depending on the class, can be with low- or high-impact intensity. Talk to the instructor to find out the difficulty level of the class and find one that suits your workout needs.

Stress Relief

Throwing punches and kicks can be a great stress relief and a way to blow off some steam after a hard day. Physical exercise can also boost your endorphin levels and help you sleep better at night.

Energy Boosting

High-intensity workouts like cardio kickboxing can positively impact your endurance and energy levels throughout the day and affect your lung and heart function, optimizing the oxygen levels in your body.

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